Preparing for men’s health tests
A 2017 national health interview survey states, “men are more than twice as likely as women to go more than two years without seeing a doctor.” men not going to see a healthcare professional can be catastrophic as when men do eventually go to see the doctor it’s when they are suffering from severe conditions which were unnoticed for a long time.
Even though you may seem fit, you should keep up with your yearly visits with the doctor. The annual men’s health test plays a vital role in your well-being and helps you do the following:
- Establish a good relationship with your healthcare professional.
- Discuss your health, nutrition, and further medication.
- Identify and analyze the areas of improvement in your health.
- Keeping up with your vaccinations.
- Follow up with your preventive health screenings.

How to prepare for your men’s health test
First, you may have to compile your complete medical history, including your vaccination history, any medications you might have taken in the past, any active allergies, previous surgeries, etc.
Second, you may also have to compile your family medical history in addition to your personal history. The previous family medical history will help identify any risks of inheriting diseases from your family members. For example, if someone from your family has had a heart attack previously, your doctor might ask for a blood test to examine the cholesterol levels; if the results are poor, you can work with your doctor to improve this.
Third, as you enter the doctor’s office, you might forget a couple of questions you might want to ask your doctor. These questions could include your dietary requirements, workout routines, and mental health stability. You can make the most out of your visits by keeping a list of questions.
Fourth, make a list of all the symptoms. The more information you can provide regarding your symptoms, the better the doctor can help you. For example, you might face severe knee pain in a basketball game at college; if you inform the doctor, they can recommend you to a physical therapist or orthopaedic doctor to get you back in the game. These symptoms might not be strictly physical. Be open to talking about all types of symptoms you might be facing.
Fifth, wear clothing that you can easily remove and that might not be fussy for you to take off. For example, you might be asked to undress and wear a gown. An easy dressing may help the doctor to assess your heartbeat, examine your testicles and do an abdominal exam.
Lastly, you might be asked to fast before the men’s health test. Fasting is usually required when the doctor intends to perform some tests. Fasting may also be required if you are to have a lipid profile. A total lipid profile is performed to assess cholesterol levels and triglycerides.
Preparing preliminary men’s health tests may help your doctor do a thorough examination and make the best out of these appointments by asking all the questions you want.

Gregory is a content creator with a focus on photojournalism, capturing the mood and atmosphere of local events and everyday moments.